*Important Note – Animal welfare is the highest priority at the Festival and we request that all contestants are mindful of this in all the methods which are used.
An outstanding atmosphere is always found for this event. Set under the lights of the Rodeo Arena on Friday night the Feature Cutout is one you do not want to miss. Demonstrating the ability of the horses, combined with the skilled horsemanship, makes this Feature Cutout an event for both the competitor and spectator alike.
Date: Friday 11th April 2025, 5pm
Location: R.M.Williams Arena
Entry Cost: $100.00/run including cattle levy
Entries via: Campdraft Central | Campdraft Nominations, Scores, Results, Draws
The competition is limited to 20 runs (1 run/competitor) plus a final. The event will be run under SCA rules.
Failure to provide all information as outlined below may result in your entry being returned to you. The Event Organisers reserve the right to alter then event at any time for any reason. Draw will be conducted prior to event and will be displayed at the MFSR Challenge Office The designated camping area for accepted Feature Cut out competitors and their horses are accessed via Gate 4 (off Strezlecki Way).
Note that Gatekeepers have names of all accepted competitors to manage access by authorised persons only. Toilet and shower facilities are available in addition to watering points. Please note that NO HORSES are permitted on the Golf Course.
Payment is to be made with lodgement of Entry Form by either Direct Deposit or Credit Card for entry to be valid.
DIRECT DEPOSIT BSB 633000 Acc 153614573 Acc Name: MFSRBF Income Account Ref: Event, Surname e.g. Feature Cut Out, Saxton OR BY CREDIT CARD (call the Festival Office 02 6076 1992 to make payment over the phone)
Entries Open: 3rd March 2025
Entries Close: 10th March 2025
Event Manager: Jasmine Pierce – [email protected]